Speaker Presentations:
November 18th: I spoke along with various other authors at the Sapulpa Oklahoma Authors Showcase.
September 9th: I spoke to Wordwrights (a Christian writing group) about poetry and conducted a mini-workshop.
September 6th: I spoke to Ex Libris book club in Norman as a reviewer of one of my favorite autobiographies.
May 2023: I spoke to OKC Wordwrights about poetry and to Ex Libris Book Club in Norman about a biography.
June 3: I gave an individual presentation at the Arkansas Writers Conference about true crime, and later, I was also as a part of a panel on mystery writing.
June 23rd, I was part of a panel of mystery and true crime writers at Deer Clan Bookstore in Bethany, OK.
June 2nd: I gave my presentation “Murder Follows Me Around” at the Arkansas Writers’ Conference. I was also be part of a mystery writers’ panel.
March 18th: I spoke to the Oklahoma City Writers about Poetry.
December 11th: I was part of the Creativity Unleashed: Mystery Writers’ Panel at the Norman Central Library.
November 14th: I sold books as part of the Norman Newcomers’ Bazaar.
November 4th: Deer Clan Books hosted a book signing event for me. My books are in that bookstore.
August 28th: I spoke at the Warr Acres Library in Oklahoma about experiencing and writing about true crime.
December 13th: I taught and spoke to the Teen Writing Class at Norman Central Pioneer Library.
I have been fortunate to speak to all types of groups of people on a variety of topics (humor, criminal law, writing, being a secondary victim, and motivation). To contact me about speaking, e-mail: Izzieshakespeare55@gmail.com.
See the book section and the award section for my career as a free-lance writer.
I had previously appeared years prior at the same prison as a mime with Mirror Street Theatre. No talking by me at that time!
After speaking, I received a letter from Reuters asking if I wanted them to represent me for other speaking engagements. I was not interested at the time.
Speaking to the Norman Galaxy of Writers